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2017-12-12 17:25:47 作者: 来源: 浏览次数:


电 话:0531-88364327传 真:E-Mail:fanguo2002@sdu.edu.cn


起止时间 毕业院校 专业

博士 1999.09-2002.06 山东大学 发育生物学

硕士 1996.09-1999.06 山东大学 细胞生物学

本科 1989.09-1993.06 山东师范大学 生物学教育


2011.04~ 山东大学 教授,博士生导师

2008.09~2011.03 山东大学 教授,硕士导师

2004.09~2008.08 山东大学 副教授,硕士导师

2002.07~2004.08 山东大学 讲师

1993.07~1996.08 滕州市第五中学 教师


1. 小麦面粉品质调控的分子机理

2. 小麦及玉米抗逆优质基因的发掘与表达调控的分子机理

3. 小麦的面粉优质常规育种与分子育种


1. 2013-2016,小麦高分子量谷蛋白基因甲基化修饰与表达关系研究,国家自然科学基金面上

2. 2013-2015,小麦高产、优质、多抗新基因挖掘与突破性新种质创制,山东良种工程专项

3. 2013-2014,利用超算进行小麦胚乳特异转录因子与不同甲基化水平启动子区域结合能力分析研究,中科院横向课题


(1) Wang K, Zhang X, Zhao Y,Chen FG(Corresponding author), Xia G, Structure, variation and expression analysis of glutenin gene promoters from Triticum aestivum cultivar Chinese Spring shows the distal region of promoter 1Bx7 is key regulatory sequence. Gene, 2013, 527(2):484-490 (SCI,IF2.196)

(2) Li S, Zhang Z,Chen FG(Corresponding author), Xia G. Molecular cloning and comparative analysis of novel SRL-/TRQ- type ω-gliadin genes from tall wheatgrass. Plant Mol Biol Rep, 2012,30:599-604 (SCI, IF5.319)

(3) Zhuang Q, Zhang Z,Chen FG(Corresponding author), Xia G. Comparative and evolutionary analysis of new variants of ω-gliadin genes from three A genome diploid wheat. J Appl Genet, 2012,53:125-131(SCI IF1.847)

(4)Chen FG, Zhao F, Liu R, Xia G. Functional properties of two low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits carrying additional cysteine residues from hybrid introgression line II-12 derived from Triticum aestivum and Agropyron elongatum. Food Chemistry, 2011, 127:1773-1776 (SCI,IF3.458)

(5)Chen FG, Liu S, Zhao F, Xu C, Xia G. Molecular characterization of the low-molecular weight glutenin subunit genes of tall wheatgrass and functional properties of one clone Ee34. Amino Acids, 2010, 38: 991-999 (SCI,IF4.106)

(6)Chen FG, Zhao F, Liu S, Xia G. The γ-gliadin gene content of a derivative from a somatic introgression line II-12 derived from Triticum aestivum and Agropyron elongatum. Mol Breeding, 2009, 24(2):117-126 (SCI,IF2.273)

(7)Chen FG, Xu C, Chen M, Wang Y,Xia G. A new α-gliadin gene family for wheat breeding: somatic introgression line II-12 derived from Triticum aestivum and Agropyron elongatum. Mol Breeding, 2008, 22(4): 675-685 (SCI,IF2.273)

(8)Chen FG, Luo Z, Zhang Z, Xia G, Min H. Variation and potential value in wheat breeding of low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit genes cloned by genomic and RT-PCR in a derivative of somatic introgression between common wheat and Agropyron elongatum. Mol Breeding, 2007, 20(2):141-152 (SCI,IF2.357)

(9)Chen FG, Zhi D, Xia G. Intracellular FITC-derivatization with PEG. Electrophoresis, 2005, 26: 4204-4205 (SCI, IF4.10)

(10)Chen FG, Wang C, Zhi D, Xia G. Analysis of amino acids in individual wheat embryonic protoplast. Amino acids, 2005, 29: 235-239 (SCI,IF4.106)





1. 山东大学教学成果优秀奖,2012,山东大学

2. 山东大学教学能手,2010,山东大学

3. 山东大学优秀硕士论文指导奖,2011,山东大学

4. 教育部技术发明二等奖,普通小麦不对称体细胞杂交创制渐渗系育种新技术,2008,教育部,5/5